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by "The Lady in White" Dorthy K. Daigle
Dedicated to my wonderful family, including my very special Cherokee brothers and sisters. Also
I dedicate these words to a holy man, Frank Fools Crow, Ceremonial Chief of the Teton Sioux who
truly walked the "Red Road:, and to other Native Americans who have taught me so much.
Special acknowledgment and thanks are extended to Cherokee Elder and Wisdom Keeper John "Red Hat" Duke for his wise teaching and counseling.
Dottie Daigle, The Lady in White
Native Americans are a very special people. Their way of life, according to the wisdom of the ancient ancestors, is a way of balance and harmony that can be a bright light during these dark times. It gives hope to those who have gotten lost in the rituals of external religion-who have lost their way by "doing" instead of "being". If the "being" is there, the doing will follow.
The Native American way is a spiritual way. This spiritual way can be practiced in any religion, in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc.. A person does not need to follow Native American rituals and ceremonies to live in a warm, sharing. caring atmosphere as traditionals do. A loving, compassionate heart is the same in any religion.
Some non-Native people apparently believe the will "have it" if they learn the ceremonies, and rituals of Native American culture. However, this is not true. It is actually a matter of the heart-an internal religion. Without this internal understanding, there is only a cold shell of religious rituals, and the sacred rituals and ceremonies of Native Americans should not allowed to be trampled on by those who do not walk a spiritual path.
We all need to show mutual tolerance, and respect for the spiritual path of another. There are many paths to Creator, and we each need to find the one that suits us best.
Cherokee Spirituality
Walking the Red Road -
1. Observe nature with awe and gratitude. A sense of love
and respect for all creation will begin to grow within me. Red Road #1.
2. Learn to trust Creator and accept my circumstances,
Overcoming adversity will produce spiritual growth
within me as I walk the Red Road. Red Road #2.
3. Seek for truth within myself, that I amy remove
hypocrisy and evil intent from within my heart. Red Road #3.
4. Repent and humbly surrender my will to Creator, that I
may become one with Great Spirit. Red Road #4.
5. Communicate with Great Spirit from my heart-listen,
and live the insight I receive. Red Road #5.
6. Learn true abstinence-it is in serving others, with an
attitude of loving-kindness, that I create a flow of Living
Waters which will purify my heart. Red Road #6.
7. Attain complete, joyous harmony with Great
Spirit-walk the Red Road. This requires that I totally
surrender my will to the will of Great Spirit, and love
others unconditionally without judgment because that is
who I am. Red Road #7.
See Cherokee Ceremony, Seven National Festivals
Next: Walking the Red Road #1
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